Saturday, July 23, 2011

Random Notes from Namibia (written July 15)

We stayed in a really nice campsite in Bwabwata called Bum Hill. I didn’t have time to ask about the name. There were these platforms that were high above the ground to keep our stuff away from the animals and the bathrooms were really cool as well. We were right on the river, so every night we heard the hippos talking to each other. There were also visits from elephants who crashed through our campsite (good thing we were high up!) and lots of monkeys and birds. We stayed at this campsite for 3 nights while Tim was doing his morning drives. While I was with him on Monday morning we saw 2 African Wild Dogs! These are really rare, absolutely beautiful animals! Another name for them is Painted Dogs which is really accurate to how they look.
We also saw a leopard. He was on the road really close to this big field where lots of antelope (impala, lechwe, and waterbuck to be precise) were grazing. We probably interrupted his dinner plans, but we got to watch him for about 20 minutes. He was very regal-looking. Now, I say “he” but I have no idea as to the sex of the leopard.
As Tim said yesterday, we saw African Wild Dogs. Another very appropriate name for these animals is Painted Dogs. They look like they got caught underneath God’s paint pallet and it splattered all over them. It’s a special thing to see because they are pretty rare.
Bwabwata had SO many elephants. The first park really didn’t have many elephants, but on one day in Bwabwata, we saw 160+ elephants! And that was just from the road! There were probably tons that we couldn’t see! They were also fairly aggressive and didn’t really appreciate us trying to drive through their herds. One day we were stopped taking a data point of 3 elephants (who were all very large) and one was very unhappy with us being there. He came up and sniffed at us and trumpeted and stamped his feet for about 15 minutes around our car. At one point he was probably less than 10 feet from me! My heart was racing a bit. And then, we turn around and there was a group of 16 elephants that came from the bush. We got completely surrounded by elephants, some of whom were very unhappy. I’m glad we’re still 3D people and not flat like pancakes from the elephants squishing us J

Angry elephant getting really close to the car! I want you all to YouTube the sound of T-Rex they use in Jurassic Park (I'd post a link, but I have crappy internet). Once you find that, imagine this elephant looking at you with beady, red eyes and making that scary T-Rex roar at you. I almost peed my pants!

Looking like bums at Bum Hill camp.

Our lunch spot each day in Bwabwata. Gorgeous view!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're not pancake people too!

    Your description of the African wild dogs was so intriguing, I had to look them up. They're definitely God's artwork!
