Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quick update

Since I posted this morning, several things have happened. I called the person I mentioned previously and he said he was interested in working with me and would email me once he got to his office. When I got the email, however, he said that he had misunderstood what dates I was wanting to work and actually was not available. He suggested a friend of his named Skiller who he says is a good worker so I called that person and he said he would be interested in working with me. Not wanting to completely abandon Tererai as an option, I nonetheless asked for his information that I would need for the permit.

At 2:00 this afternoon I went to my scheduled meeting with Dr. Taolo. He expressed frustration at the Ministry’s decision and said we’d have to figure out something to do. I told him about Skiller and he said since he is Motswana (a citizen of Botswana) that is probably the best choice. He took down his information from me and said he would push to get the supplemental permit ready by tomorrow morning at 7:30 so that I can swing by and get it before heading to the airport. I feel very bad for Tererai, he seemed like a good guy and a great option, but I will trust that the Lord has a plan in all this.

I filled out a new form requesting officially adding the new research assistant to the permit and sent it off to Dr. Taolo. He will send it to the Ministry but Monday and Tuesday are national holidays so he doesn’t think they will respond until late next week, which is why he’s just giving me the Supplemental Permit (the one that actually gets us into the park and lets us camp) anyways. Lord willing this should work…we’ll see if it all ends up coming together.

One other good thing, when I got back there was an email from a contact I made at the QLEES conference in Durban who suggested a few other people I could try so if something goes wrong with Skiller I may have another option (though I really hope it doesn’t come to that). Ok, my “quick update” is now four paragraphs so I’d better stop.

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